After spending the past couple of weekends at a hockey tournament and a dance competition, I have come to realize that in these two sports (and many more I presume) parents have just as much, if not more personalized team apparel than the kids do. This becomes evident when you are with the same group of parents for more than one day, and for multiple hours for multiple dances or multiple hockey games. Hockey, I would say, had more personalized apparel than dance. I have a couple theories on this one. First off, a lot more dads are going to sport a hockey team hoodie and embroidered hat than a dance team one. Although, to be fair, I have seen several dads with dance t-shirts and hoodies on at competitions. They usually have some clever saying like “My daughter and all of my money go to X Dance Studio.” At the hockey tournaments, you also have the coaches and assistant coaches all decked out in personalized team warmups that match the kids, embroidered hats, and usually logoed equipment bags. Even going out to dinner after a day of games, we ran into some other hockey parents from another team (not even at the tournament that day), and the dad had on a hockey team hoodie, and the mom had on a personalized embroidered jacket for the team, complete with a photo button of her son. True story – they overheard us talking about hockey and came over to ask how the tournament was going!
After much of my real world analysis, I think it is safe to say that parents are typically gigantic fans of parent apparel because they are so stinking proud of their kids, and are proud to display that fact for all to see with their personalized screen printing and rhinestone hoodies or embroidered jacket and customized hat. Broken Arrow is glad to help proud parents support their players with awesome customized apparel! Let us help with your customized team gear today!